House with Children

Internal or External, Domestic Marriage.

Domestic staff are very close to family intimacy and must therefore be people who can be trusted and who can always maintain discretion and respect for the family and who can carry out their work in a professional manner.

Respect, kindness and professionalism are fundamental skills. People with high motivation to work and with positive feelings that favour a good atmosphere and harmony within the home.

Obviously our candidates have specific skills related to all domestic tasks such as cleaning, cooking or ironing. But we also value organisational skills, training and qualifications related to education, nursing or teaching. As well as previous experience in schools or hospitals, especially when there are small babies. 

In addition to performing household chores efficiently, our ideal children's housekeepers must have educational skills. A certain firmness to instill in the youngest ones some rules of behavior. Patience, goodcharacter and sensitivity towardschildren.

The Salus

Our Salus nurses are registered nurses specializing in neonates. They are experienced professionals with a vocation. They are usually vocational nurses or midwives with extensive experience in hospitals and clinics so that your baby is in the best hands. Beyond the aspects related to skills and knowledge, Salus nurses must bring skills and competencies in line with the work they are assigned. Our Salus nurses will not only take care of your baby at all times, but will also take care of your baby's feeding, airing and correct evolution. They will also help you to create your schedule, understand the first rules and regulate sleep. They will also take care of the mother and will be her support and guide in her postpartum process, breastfeeding and initiation to motherhood. The Salus nurses carry out their work with the tenderness and affection that the baby and the mother should receive.

Home Care or Primary Education.

Domestika International ensures that your children reach the academic level required for the new normality.

We offer classes or activities online; or in person with a private teacher qualified in the security of your home.

The quality of our teachers is in their adaptation to the family environment, and an excellent training that allows them to be theúbrúThe hula that activates the magnets of curiosity,íknowledge and wisdomía for his students. 

We'll be your personal coach in teaching your children.

There are no difficulties, you just need a teacher close to you that you can ask, the one who will explain to you while you have fun.

If you prefer the security of your children staying at home, we help you find the best teacher at home.

Our classes can be on weekends, from time to time, on a regular basis or for an entire school year.

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